To unlock full access to all the apps features, you can subscribe to 8Fit pro for $99.99 CAD annually, $74.99 CAD for 3 months, or $32.99 monthly. Gosh, That’s.. New! You also get to tell it your wish-list when it comes to what type of recipes it presents to you. Spoiler alert: Michelle found that the 8fit app made it easy to eat healthy and workout anywhere. BUT. A Few Practical Tips if You Go With the 8fit App. 7-Must Have Products To Fight Viruses Naturally, 5 Ways How To Stay Active During Self-Isolation, Best Metabolism Boosters For Overall Health. A shout out to all gourmets who are looking to exercise! ... however unable to get the ingredients list and instructions to make anything! Don’t forget to Join our Fitness Community to not miss out on the latest fitness app reviews! I had already purchased the annual plan but as someone who usually prefers to pay monthly, I was a little discouraged by this rate. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Personalization is their biggest advantage for sure. 8fit’s goal is to provide a comprehensive but simple fitness app that’ll take care of all of the details for you. You might end up feeling frustrated; Poor customer service with long response times (rated by others); The workouts are not really adjustable. (Image credit: Asana Rebel) 4. Slightly buggy and slow. That means I can potentially blast 135 calories in 15 minutes – but only if I’m busting out burpees like my life depends on it. These are just my honest thoughts after using the app. The 5 Best Fruits for Weight Loss (and Glowing Skin! Have you ever used this app, and if so, what do you think? Try it today and kick off 2019 right! Whether your goal is to lose weight, get fit or gain weight, join millions of 8fitters getting results and … ), Why I Don’t Follow a Strict Diet (And What I Do Instead), How to Lose Vanity Weight – 9 Things I Did to Break My Fitness Plateau. 13 Apr 2015 Reviews. Any fitness level will find something here as all workout difficulties can be adjusted. 8Fit is a fitness app headquartered in Berlin. The best part is that 8fit app is one of the rare fitness apps which include warm-ups and cool-downs. But surprisingly, my favorite thing about the app is the recipes. Let me know in the comments! This is not a sponsored post and I am not in any way associated with 8Fit. In reality, the 8fit app maybe is a bit too ambitious if you ask me. Alternatives to 8fit for iPhone, Android, Web, iPad, Android Tablet and more. ), I also love that they added a step-count goal because it encourages you to stay active throughout the day. The 8fit app has some unique features like sleep meditation sessions – that’s pretty cool (but still till this day I’m in love with Centr meditations). So I have actually started making some of these meals. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a5152cc14f359bc9e962a7bd3490b5cf" );document.getElementById("h372d4e3ef").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); The Fit Careerist is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It will improve your form and you’ll train your ab muscles with every move. (I will give you a second to pick yourself up off the floor. I went with the “lose weight program” that worked on reducing my calorie intake. I also love that they added a step-count goal because it encourages you to stay active throughout the day. 8fit is the leading fitness app and your mobile personal trainer. Enjoy quick workout routines combined with a simple healthy meal planner tailored for you. I quit. Useful. Overall, 8Fit is a solid fitness app. Most workout apps or weight loss apps give you a ‘one-size-fits-all’ plan and sends you off to navigate by yourself. Prioritize progress over perfection with the 8fit app! My Incomplete 8 Fit App Results I tried to stick it out – I really did! There’s the ideal plan whether you want recipes you can whip up in under ten minutes (me!) You can choose from: Paleo (only meat, fish, nuts and veggies); Custom (choose the ingredients you want). Personally, I prefer slightly longer sleep meditations and a wider selection to choose from. These are just my honest thoughts after using the app. The only app that can stand close to 8fit’s recipe selection is Asana Rebel so if you’re into yoga-based workouts, make sure to check out the app Here. Tired of one-size-fits-all health and fitness plans, I downloaded the 8fit app, which created a customized workout and meal plan for me. Whether you like to work out to dance, pop, or indie rock, you’ve got choices. I sure don’t think that a beginner can burn 311 calories in 11 minutes. Overall, 8Fit is a solid fitness app. Watch the video for her full take: Michelle’s schedule is packed and involves a fair amount of travel, and 8fit is a perfect way to stay on track with nutrition and workouts anywhere in the world. I’d had my eye on 8Fit for a while and so when they had a special offer on their annual plan, I snapped it up. To customize your program, the first thing the 8fit app does is asks you a bunch of questions regarding your goals, gender, age, height, weight, current body fat, targeted body fat, and more. At moments, 8fit app crashes or the videos take a long time to load. Perhaps the number presented is an “average” calorie burn and not specific to the age, weight, and gender of the person doing the workouts. Apparently the app had even managed to secure funding from Mark Cuban on the show Shark Tank. My Sworkit App Review. I really like this approach to the goals. One last note from me, I question their estimation of calories burned during workouts. 8fit meets you where you are and guides you toward achieving your fitness goals. List updated: 9/2/2020 2:59:00 AM Here's what happened. The workouts themselves are decent but, in my opinion, don’t quite hold up to the competition. Durable and “sticky”!). 8Fit Review Summary – Is it Worth Subscribing? These estimates are – how should we say – a little optimistic. The app offers a library of workout programs, meal plans, and even sleep meditations. This is a bit misleading, to say the least.. Perhaps use something from Garmin’s Wearables to stay on top of your burned calories. If you’re working out and a tune comes on that you really dig, you can even pause the workout to see the name and artist. The 8fit app costs $60 per year. Others make use of resistance bands and dumbbells. Nike Training Club Review: Outperforms even the Most Expensive Apps. But that month-to-month cost seems pretty out to lunch. It’s designed to be highly customizable so that you can find a daily plan that works with your goals, fitness level, and preferences. But in addition to workout programs, you can also find different individual classes as well as workout collections that include HIIT pilates, yoga, and core-focused workouts. (If you didn’t already know, I really like to walk for exercise!). Instead, they give you a target goal to consume a certain number of their meals each week. You can schedule the next session only after a completed workout. The red-thread goes through the entire 8fit app; Interactive and easy user-interface. Have you heard of it? (For that reason, Aaptiv remains my favorite for meditations.). . So if that’s your goal and you don’t mind paying upfront for the year, it’s worth the price of admission if you intend to make use of the meal plans. I recommend the 8fit app for people who are ready to change their food habits and want to progress. Your email address will not be published. The app's been crushing it for more than a decade, part of why we dubbed it a Standard in the pages of our own magazine. There’s nothing worse than ending up finishing your workout early simply because you’re too disappointed – this is not acceptable if we’re subscribing to it for a whole year. There is a free version of this app where you get limited access to the workouts. I could not manage to find the free version so I went with the pro. You can even indicate how many meals per day you want and how different the food should be. I was getting more and more excited as I kept reading, which unfortunately lead me to make a novice mistake. Nevertheless, it’s still a nice “add-on” and will do in a pinch if you need some help preparing your mind for sleep. It’s odd because other than that, the app does a great job calculating how many calories in your meals and what your daily calorie target should be. They are entirely decent, but the fact that there are only 6 meditations to choose makes it seem a little like an afterthought rather than a primary feature. And just for comparison, if customization is what you’re after then you also might like Aaptiv or Jillian Michaels fitness apps so check them out too! No offense to the creators, but I just found it really boring and definitely overpriced, not at all something I would want to pay a subscription for. So basically super short, intense intervals either based on time, like 20-sec active 10-sec rest, or repetition, like 12 squats then 6 mountain climbers and so on. And to it’s credit – it had quite a following! The breaks in between are too short giving you no time to properly prepare for the next exercise. Being fit and healthy is not something you can easily achieve on your own. Normally, fitness apps go with defaulted workouts & meal plans which are the same for all users (e.g. It makes it wholly achievable and flexible which means I don’t feel like giving up on it before I even start. You can either choose to lose weight, get fitter, or gain muscle mass. Then you’ll find your goals for the week. I would think that this app is most ideal for beginners who need a place to start without getting overwhelmed. Even better? Achieving and balancing your fitness & career goals. Volt Athletics Review: Only For Professional Athletes? You should have an exercise or yoga mat, especially if you plan on doing the pilates and yoga workouts. Asana Rebel Review: Is It Suitable For You? Free version (with limited access) available, Realistic exercise and meal goals help prevent overwhelm, Calorie burn estimates don’t seem accurate, Month-to-month option is very expensive compared to other apps, Most workouts are very short, which depending on your goals and preferences, can be either a pro or a con. Their unique selling point remains the same: to create custom meals and workout plans for their users. Its focus seems to be more around sustainable healthy living than getting ripped quickly. Fitness & nutrition made easy Even though, in my opinion, 9 minutes a day won’t be enough for you to see fast results, it’s still a good start, especially if you combine both: workouts and diet. Fitbit Coach Review: Can you achieve your fitness goals? If you’re sitting at home and looking for a serious weight loss, you also might try BodyBoss (it has gained popularity as the “fast results giver” but I would not recommend it for a complete beginner though). The app can also link to Facebook and Google Fit, allowing you to share your efforts with friends; another great motivation to get up off the couch and moving. The shorter workouts will be more ideal for some people than others. Today is all about a new (to me) fitness app I’ve been using for two weeks. I always appreciate a fitness app that puts some effort into the music because I’m too lazy to put together a new playlist and it’s just one less thing to think about when its time to work out! The rest of the workouts are in spliced video format, with various models to demonstrate each exercise. You’ll also find a nice progression of them too. That costs $60 per year – no monthly option available and the whole yearly fee must be paid upfront (at least this is the case atm). 8fit recipes give you cooking instructions, and at the very top, you’ll have a shopping cart with all the products needed for the next coming days. ), Today, I made their Zucchini grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. At the top of your main dashboard, 8Fit will sometimes have the odd tip or suggestion for you. The food plan will be then personalized to your goals, taste, and lifestyle. That said, there’s a lot going on when you first log in and it can be a little overwhelming at first glance. Another perk this app has is the wide variety of beats to choose from, thanks to the app’s music feature via Feed.FM. Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post and I am not in any way associated with 8Fit. But I’ve got to hand it to 8Fit, their food plans and recipes are pretty darn good. 126 Calories In 5 Minutes? Better still, most of the recipes aren’t overly fussy with a million steps and ingredients, which is my biggest pet peeve when it comes to diet programs. **My blog posts contain affiliate links which means that if you make a purchase after clicking on one, I may make a commission (at no extra cost to you). Their method is simple – stick to your custom program to see results and here are a couple of extra options to choose from in case you get bored. But I can see that this price point would detract some people from using the … Required fields are marked *. 8fit App Review Stay On Top Of Your Fitness And Diet Goals With This Handy App We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Yes, I had to break out the grater, and from conception to plate, it took about ten minutes. Change starts here. The app is clean, modern, and easy to use. I’m not 100% sure what the USD cost is, for me here in Canada, there are 3 payment options – the annual plan for $99.99, the 6-month plan for $74.99, and the 1-month plan for $32.99. Get fitter is for people who are happy with their weight and just wanna maintain and/or slightly increase their progress. Although I already have my shortlist of favorite, go-to fitness apps, I like to mix it up and try new things now and then to keep things fresh. (If you didn’t already know, I really like to, Up until now, the only other app whose food plan was (in my opinion) realistic was. Change your meal plan, adjust the workout difficulty and even the overall custom program if needed (they use your feedback to improve your next workout); Has a strong educational content – each move is explained via real-life demo and written instructions. 8fit. You won’t have to count calories, read magazines to get all the latest science on hip flexor stretches, or anything like that. Each program comes with an overview of what the program entails, what kind of results you can expect, as well as what level of fitness you should have before starting the program. If you’ve read any of my other app reviews, you’ll know I have a tendency to breeze on past the food plan section (if the app in question even has one) because I am in no way a fan of fussy, restrictive diets. I’ll start by saying I both love and hate to workout. But considering that it’s an app, the bugs might be resolved already! 2.8. It’s clear to 8fit I’m not using the app so why no customer services.., or refund! Overall, 8fit app reviews are good; people are seeing fast results and they’re loving the personalization. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. The recipes also come with swap-out suggestions, making it easier to execute the recipes with what you might already have on hand. If you’re not concerned about meal plans and are looking for more customization on workout length, this might not be the best app for you. Up until now, the only other app whose food plan was (in my opinion) realistic was Jillian Michaels’ app, but 8Fit’s is definitely comparable in this respect. Last updated Mar 11, 2019. Vivoo Review: Does the App Live Up to its Claims? With so many tailoring as an option, they still managed to get it simple. Seems that in order to make the workouts short, they have unnaturally squeezed in the intervals. 8Fit is a company that aims to make healthy living simple and achievable by providing you with guidance, meal plans, and workouts all in an easy-to-use app. It really provides me with piece of mind, convenience and motivation, especially on the days that I don't go to the gym. I did notice the pilates classes seem to be a little longer in duration. Get customized workout and meal plans to help you reach your wellness goals. On paper, it sounds too good to be true. I have tons of food allergies, plus the need to eat vegetarian two days a week. Being a fitness freak, you may download a lot of fitness applications on your smartphone. This list contains a total of 22 apps similar to 8fit. Let’s see! Speaking of calories, each workout is accompanied by a calorie-burn estimate. So to boost my energy levels and support immunity I used Immunity Booster powder from AmazingGrass with Vitamin C and tangerine (big fan of their production). Introduction. To me personally, all the benefits of the app are worth $60/ year or $5/month. But how good is this fitness app? The premium elements — handpicked elite trainers, four- to six-week courses, recipes, strategies and more — used to cost $14.99/month or $119.99/year. This 8fit review will look at how much does the 8fit app cost and list down its strengths and weaknesses so keep on reading! The workouts are easy enough to follow along with. Full disclaimer here.**. … Centr Review 2021: Pros and Cons (Suitability). The bite-sized workouts and realistic weekly goals are probably 8Fit’s biggest selling points when it comes to the workouts. Easy navigation makes fitness apps that much more awesome! However, these good reviews come with some pretty strong complaints against their customer service and subscription policies. (Bmat is my personal favorite! When you go Pro, you get to choose the level of difficulty and access all the workout collections. Stay positive, stay happy :). 8fit asks you a bunch of questions regarding your goals, gender, age, height, weight, current body fat, targeted body fat and more. For workouts like these, I tend to average closer to 6-7 calories per minute, which puts it around 100 calories in total. The workouts are held 6 times a week in short 8-12 minute long sessions (but the time can slightly change depending on how fast you’re doing the routine). (At the time of this writing, 1 US dollar is about 1.36 Canadian dollars.). Once that’s done, your personalized workouts are created (the meal plan is created later). A great product for the beginning can be fitness belts that hold your core in till you get used to the feeling. But for energy levels, I’ve heard good reviews about Cellucor Super HD Ultimate Powder which you can read more on Here. If you’re not concerned about meal plans and are looking for more customization on workout length, this might not be the best app for you. And, your eyes always seek to a well-crafted fitness app or look for health related apps like 8fit app review, which may have all the essential features, which can be your personal trainer at free of cost. It’s like a small personal trainer in your pocket. As a pro member, you can scroll through all the programs and choose the one that fits your fitness level. Clearly there’s a strong incentive to purchase the annual plan, which is more or less comparable with competing apps’ rates. 8fit Reviews 4 • Average . My heart simply can’t pump that fast. Visit this website Apparently, 8fit app has 2 versions, one is free (super basic) and the other one is a pro version with a personalized meal plan included. (Which is about 5 minutes longer than I normally like to spend making lunch.). , but 8Fit’s is definitely comparable in this respect. If I’m in freak mode and pushing it to the absolute brink, my peak burn is about 9 calories per minute (according to the heart rate monitor on my iWatch.). Its focus seems to be more around sustainable healthy living than getting ripped quickly. However, these good reviews come with some pretty strong complaints against their customer service and subscription policies. This bite-sized approach to exercise is a great concept, but also a little limiting for those who might be looking to burn more calories. The app offers a library of workout programs, meal plans, and sleep meditations. The options are just never-ending: you can select foods you dislike, select recipes you want (like simple under 10 minutes), and so on. Our review found that the app has something to offer just about every exerciser, ... 8fit makes it easy to skip the gym and opt for an at-home program … However, there’s no ability to customize and no meal plans. If you prefer short workouts and intend to follow the meal plan, 8Fit is worth the annual subscription. Your email address will not be published. Positive & Negative Reviews: 8fit Workouts & Meal Planner - 10 Similar Apps & 257,977 Reviews. But after a week I had it with the 8 Fit program. I am a very simple girl from Latvia that uses fitness instead of medicine! You need inspiration and help from others. They have some serious bugging errors to resolve in order to make this a long-term fitness app for us. 8Fit is a fitness app headquartered in Berlin. Personally, I prefer slightly longer sleep meditations and a wider selection to choose from. Even though you have daily workouts, you only need to do 4 in order to reach your weekly goals. In the “loose weight program“, 8fit combines high-intensity workout elements like Reps, Tabata, Time-Interval, and Paleo Run-style training. A calorie-burn estimate of medicine get used to the competition would think that a beginner can burn calories. Food & timing preferences and get a healthier lifestyle $ 5/month ve seen that allows me make. Refreshing perspective on meal planning might end up forgetting to exercise at.! ’ m not sure if this goal changes ever, for me, my favorite part its... And not let your belly “ hang ” so to speak 8 Fit program fitness level will find Here! As I kept reading, which unfortunately lead me to make a novice mistake 4 in order to make workouts... Cause eye-rolls and groans at dinner time Planner tailored for you less comparable with competing apps ’ rates the! 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