Daniel would have refused to eat meat and wine not because it was evil in and of itself, but because of its probable defilement due to idolatrous ceremonies or because it was ceremonially unclean. Unruffled, Elisha told his servant, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (2 Kings 6:16). The moment Daniel’s prayer reached heaven, the angel was dispatched to earth to visit Daniel in answer to his prayer. The prophecies of chapters 8 and 9 have concentrated on these two kingdoms: Persia and Greece (see 8:20-21). We may choose to suffer now, in the light of the glory to come, or, we may pursue the pleasures of this world and face the dreaded reality of God’s eternal wrath. The Bible does report instances of faithful servants of God burying their dead. Sinai. ? (3) Our text provides us with an even broader perspective. In other words, it blocks our knowledge of and/or physical ability to see the spiritual realm. PREFACE The purpose of a veil is to cover or conceal. Which is your choice? 22 And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fulness of Him who fills all in all (Ephesians 1:18-23). May God grant us the ability to see the unseen here and then to live in the light of these realities. 6 For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. Jesus Christ brought to light truths that were never known before his lifetime. I believe that as these human kings rose to power and prominence, they, like Satan, became puffed up with pride and became more and more influenced and finally dominated by Satan himself, so that the character traits of these kings became those of Satan. (15) Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. The servant saw the heavenly forces, the horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha. —Genesis 23: 2- 20; 49:29- 32. The language pertaining to Satan is ambiguous and laced with figures so that it can be understood in some other sense also (e.g., the King of Tyre, “Lucifer,” et al). 17 “For how can such a servant of my lord talk with such as my lord? This is why we must leave our mortal bodies behind and be clothed with new bodies (see 1 Corinthians 15; 2 Corinthians 4:16–5:10). This chapter points us to several important truths for our consideration. The One whom Daniel saw in his vision is all too similar to the visions Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1:26-28) and John (Revelation 1:12-19) had, which were of the Lord. The presence of the angel, and his words spoken to Daniel, render Daniel so awe-struck he is speechless. The fall of Medo-Persia and the rise of Greece is also the result of angelic activity. At the birth and baptism of our Lord, the veil concealing the glory of our Lord was lifted, and the heavens opened revealing the angelic hosts. What was the temple veil? On rare occasions in the Bible, the curtain is lifted to unveil things normally kept from view. It is Jesus Christ who reveals, or makes known, God to man.. Does God send evil spirits to torment people? These angels seem to be very closely associated with the kings of Greece and Persia, even as Satan is identified with the “king of Tyre” (Ezekiel 28:2, 12) and with the “king of Babylon” (Isaiah 14:4, 12ff.). Comment below to let us know what you liked about it and what topics you'd be interested to see going forward! But we cannot go back and re-write the Bible. Once Daniel rose to power and prominence, I am certain that fine “kosher” foods would have been acquired for Daniel, and that these he would not have refused, except in times of fasting and prayer. Jesus said to Philip “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). The veil does not always cover the face, however, in many modern weddings — it simply covers the head and a portion of the back of the head. Having just stepped from the baptistery, there stood a man completely naked. 12 Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words. From what he was told in chapter 12, I infer that Daniel’s death was not too far in the future (see 12:13). The answer to each question is the same: “No, a thousand times no!” The New Testament clarifies for us the truth on these issues, and only in its light can the Old Testament be understood. But many individual Jews have already recognized him and as Scripture promises, "in Christ" the veil has been removed from their eyes. The Bible does not tell us how thick it was. Get the latest biblical resources from TruthOrTradition delivered to your inbox, Don’t Blame God! In it were two folding-doors, which are supposed to have been always open, the entrance being concealed by the veil which the high priest lifted when he entered into the sanctuary on the day of Atonement. I am thankful He was lifted up from the grave. His words likewise comforted and encouraged Daniel. HE was lifted up from the earth. Weymouth New Testament Exactly so will it be on the day that the veil is lifted from the Son of Man. Strengthened and encouraged, Daniel informed the angel he was not ready and able to hear what he had come to reveal to him. What a reflection the arms and feet must have given off, due to the radiance of his face and eyes! All of that is pure speculation—supposedly to make the miracle of it being … 47 The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second man is from heaven. Coach K on 'insurrection': 'They need to be prosecuted' Police: Man shoots 7 in series of Chicago-area attacks Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. Construction on a new church building was nearly complete, with the baptistery functional even though changing rooms were not yet available. Assessing the situation quickly, he did the only sensible thing—he dived into the baptistery—with the preacher and the panic-stricken woman! Our text assures us that behind much that has happened in the political realms, angelic activity has played a significant part, even though unseen by the human eye. Use this table of contents to go to any section: Contents. Bob was born and raised in a Christian home i... More. 16 And in His right hand He held seven stars; and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength. Chapter 10 provides us with yet another perspective, enabling us to see that earthly events correspond to angelic activity, normally unseen by mortal men. The hope and the joy of the Christian is not just heaven; it is to live in the Lord’s presence, eternally praising and adoring Him. (14b) …for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. By seeking to understand the whole Word of God, we can learn to recognize the combination of literal and figurative language woven together into a tapestry of truth. Chapter 10 is the introduction to the vision, with chapter 11 spelling out the detailed events which will occur from Daniel’s day to the end of time. Elder Neal A .Maxwell in the Ensign, Oct. 1980, p. 31 stated: We define the veil as the border between mortality and eternity; it is also a film of forgetting which covers the memories of earlier experiences. If someone does not believe that Jesus is the Christ, the veil remains. 12 And I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me. To say otherwise is to make the cross no cross and death no death at all. That is why the Old Testament must be read in light of the New Testament. Please note that truth, in its fullness, came not with Moses, but with Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 MSG - Lifting the Veil - The Government of - Bible Gateway. Daniel’s vision is the concluding vision of the Book, the climax of the prophetic revelation of Daniel. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. If we believe the Bible is true, then we should pray to saints and angels. The princes of Persia and Greece are the heavenly counterparts of the earthly kings of Persia and Greece. Why does the angel bother to inform Daniel of these things? Here we have gathered the best Bible verses about plagues to help you understand their biblical significance. The angel seems almost puzzled that Daniel would understand why he had come to him. John 1:17 It is often combined with a related motif, in which nature is portrayed as a goddess with multiple breasts who represents Isis, Artemis, or a combination of both. 19 And he said, “O man of high esteem, do not be afraid. Our text, Daniel 10:1–11:1, can thus be outlined as seen on the following page: (2) Daniel’s vision of the Lord verses 4-6, (4) The angel’s words to Daniel verses 10-14. To say otherwise is to make the cross no cross and death no death at all. Does God cause sickness and disease? The Bible says that the moment Jesus died, the veil in the Temple tore down the middle. An angelic hand reached out and touched Daniel, lifting him from the ground so that he was now on his hands and knees. And when I saw it, I fell on my face and heard a voice speaking (Ezekiel 1:26-28). 41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for star differs from star in glory. Moses’ face as he delivered the tablets was so bright that day (even though it would fade soon enough) that the people of Israel could no more look right at him than stare into the sun. Clothed in linen, his waist was girded with a belt of the finest pure gold. The inference suggests that this angel would never have made it apart from help from such a powerful ally. It's here! Daniel saw much more than those with him, and it produced a strong physical reaction in him. Does debt affect giving in modern times in light of the Israelite tithe and slaves. Lang's Bible Commentary says that in this word, veil, "we have the genitive of identity, the covering being marked as that which forms the front view, as the foreside." 18 He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the first-born from the dead; so that He Himself might come to have first place in everything. He is on the one hand a human ruler and on the other a personification of Satan. 27 Then I noticed from the appearance of His loins and upward something like glowing metal that looked like fire all around within it, and from the appearance of His loins and downward I saw something like fire; and there was a radiance around Him. Plagues are frequently mentioned throughout the Bible, including the Old and New Testament. Veil: Worn • By Rebekah • By Tamar • By Moses, to Screen His Face When He Descended from Mount Sinai; Very High: Search Popularity Scale Find Most Searched Verses. He seems to expect God to rescue His servant from the mouths of the lions. 7-8 The Government of Death, its constitution chiseled on stone tablets, had a dazzling inaugural. He spoke to Daniel, referring to him as a “man of high esteem” (see also 9:23; 10:19). The God whom we know as all love, all light and all goodness was made known as never before by His Son Jesus Christ. In the first prophecy of Daniel in chapter 2, our Lord was symbolically introduced by the “stone made without hands” (2:34-35, 44-45). From the New Testament we understand that the rock represented Christ, and the water everlasting life (1 Cor. In chapter 8, He is the “prince of princes” whom the little horn opposes (8:25). You and I know the feeling of suddenly coming upon a radar trap, or a policeman, sitting out of sight in his patrol car, especially if we are exceeding the speed limit. Of all the wonderful signs which accompanied our Lord's death, none was more significant than the rending of the veil in the temple. (7) From these introductory events and words recorded in chapter 10, what do we learn about the prophecy about to be revealed in the next two chapters? In the final analysis, we only know that Daniel was mourning and that he had set his heart to gain understanding. Further, by inference, these events in the future can involve saints in every age who pray for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Imagine the feelings you would have, as a sinner, in the presence of a holy angel. Is the Old Testament literally correct: Does God kill believers? Chapter 2 of 2 Kings exemplifies one such passage. All of this suggests that the privilege of being in the presence of God does not give the warm, fuzzy feelings some seem to suggest. From verses 2 and 3, we learn that Daniel had been mourning and concentrating on fasting and prayer. In Biblical terms, the veil can be described as an intangible “curtain” that separates the unseen from the seen. A Lasting Legacy: Choosing A Wife For Isaac (Gen. 24:1-67). Here are 10 verses related to Veil. Within her grasp was the curtain hung behind the baptistery which formed the front barrier of the men’s changing room. 10 Then behold, a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees. In Isaiah 14 (verses 3-20), we find the “king of Babylon” spoken of first as a human king and second as Satan himself. TY . Christ’s coming in His glory is that which comes at the end of the prophetic program for Israel. In Reply to: Lifting the veil posted by Victoria S Dennis on October 16, 2005: : Does anyone know the meaning of 'lift the veil' or 'lifting the veil'? Use this scale to tell how popular the verses on this page are. 42 Instances - Page 1 of 2 - Sort by Book Order Expand or Limit Your Search Results: All KJV books Old Testament only New Testament only Apocrypha only (?) When the need arose to use the baptismal, sheets were hung temporarily where those being baptized could change. Answer Save. 11 And not only this, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have now received the reconciliation. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5). He was not transported to this place in his vision, as in chapter 8 (verses 1-2), but was already there when the vision appeared to him. This may challenge and stretch you. Word finally reached the king of Aram that Elisha the Israelite prophet was the source of the “leak” in his security, and an army was sent to capture Elisha. We are not told the reason for Daniel’s distress or the precise content of his prayers. The angel’s words and deeds helped put Daniel at ease. Christ is the sum and substance, the last word and the ultimate fulfillment of all prophecy. 45 So also it is written, “The first MAN, Adam, BECAME A LIVING SOUL.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. The last person to be baptized made her way down into the water. 46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual. All of these things are a part of the plan of God. At times, the veil is lifted in the Bible allowing the Christian to see the unseen. Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. Daniel could now speak, and he did. This means the vision recorded in Daniel 10-12 is one received in Daniel’s retirement years when he may have been in his mid-eighties. 28 As the appearance of the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the surrounding radiance. This does not mean the Christian is unrelated to the angelic world or the spiritual struggle presently going on out of human sight in high places. mitpahath ( Ruth 3:15; marg., "sheet" or "apron;" RSV, "mantle").In Isaiah 3:22 this word is plural, rendered "wimples;" RSV, "shawls" i.e., wraps.. Massekah ( Isaiah 25:7; in Isaiah 28:20 rendered "covering"). We can recognize the significance of Jesus’ resurrection, even though it was only specifically mentioned in one phrase in the Old Testament: “Nor will you let your holy one see decay” (Ps. It would appear that the princes of Persia (verse 13) and Greece (verse 20) are fallen angels, whose dominion is restricted to a particular geographical and political nation. Then later Jesus again referenced the idea of being lifted up in John 12:32. Martin S. Lv 7. (1) How does chapter 10 fit into the context of the Book of Daniel? Our irreverence, I fear, is a direct result of our inadequate and inaccurate perception of God. We do know for certain that the vision and the revelation given by the angel was a direct answer to his prayers (10:12). The parallel accounts of Jesus’ encounter with Legion in the Gospels of Mark and Luke teach us a very important fact about fallen angels (or demons). 2 In those days I, Daniel, had been mourning for three entire weeks. Let us prepare to enter in! 18 and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades (Revelation 1:12-18). (16) But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Daniel’s vision was preceded by three weeks of mourning during which time he did not enjoy the fine foods were available to him.105 Over what was Daniel mourning? We again quote the following verses from the gospel of John: John 1:17 and 18 Here in Daniel 10 we find Daniel utterly disarmed and disabled in the presence of God, and even in the presence of one of His holy angels. For a time, it will even appear they are prevailing. It also symbolized Christ's flesh and blood, which had to be torn in order for us to be forgiven and gain access to God (Isaiah 50:6, 52:14, 53, Zechariah 12:9 - 10). What is the veil? And He laid His right hand upon me, saying, “Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last. in 1971. It makes good sense that the final vision of the Book of Daniel would be that of none other than our Lord Himself. 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Also, please consider donating – even $1 helps! He was taken up and returned to … This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Chapter 10 serves as the introduction to this final segment. The rise and fall of kings is according to the sovereign plan and purpose of God (see Daniel 4:26, 32), which involves both men and angels. 10:4). This chapter informs us that prayer is one of the ways in which the saints can engage in the unseen spiritual warfare going on all about us, unseen by the human eye. In the final analysis, it will not be the angels who are praised for the destruction of Satan and his fallen angels, or for the defeat and judgment of those men and women who oppose God. Sandy February 20, 2019 at 1:55 pm. The Greek word translated here as “declared” is exegeomai, which means “to lead out,” “to make known,” or “to unfold.” Jesus Christ was the first one in history to clearly manifest to mankind the heart of God as a Father. A Biblical Answer to the Problem of Evil, Sin, and Suffering. It was he who for the first time in history made God truly understandable. God has decreed that all things be summed up in Christ: 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. The date must be 537 B.C. In chapter 7, He is presented as the “One like a Son of Man,” who is “given dominion, glory and a kingdom” (7:13-14). Posted by ESC on October 16, 2005. In verses 15-17, an account is given of the debilitating impact this visitation had on Daniel. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. Some things are similar to what is seen elsewhere. 15 And He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation. What is the veil? When Rebekah lifted up her eyes and saw Isaac, The Scriptures state that ”. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. You and I find ourselves all too comfortable with God, probably because of the way He is spoken of and perceived by Christians today. The last person to be baptized made her way down into the water. In the light of the rising sun, he saw the enemy’s army surrounding them and with great alarm informed his master. Now, I had heard that measurement before, and to my recollection the veil was said to be as… I understand this angel to be saying he encouraged Darius to show favor toward Daniel and the Jews, and that he protected this king from both human and angelic attacks which might result in his injury, death, or political downfall. In human experience that veil is made of living spiritual tissue; it is composed of the sentient, quivering stuff of which our whole beings consist, and to touch it is to touch us where we feel pain. Anyone who tried to come up the mountain would be killed. When the veil is lifted, and the eyes are closed, the one eye will see all. Thus we will now consider the key figure of speech relevant to a biblical understanding of God’s relation to evil, sin, and suffering – Mr. Metonymy. The defeat of the prince of Persia is preliminary to the defeat of Persia and to the rise of Greece, whose “prince” was soon coming. The others did not see the vision. Chapter 10 in the Book of Daniel provides another rare passage in which the veil is lifted for the reader to see the unseen. Here in our text the curtain is lifted so that events on earth, which seemed only to have human causes and instrumentality, now appear in relationship to angelic activity. May I ask you a troubling question? For example, when we say that a mystery is unveiled, we mean that the veil of ignorance is lifted so that the matter can be plainly understood. Only the unbelieving fallen beings show disregard for the angelic powers (2 Peter 2:10; Jude 1:8-10). The favorable attitude of Darius toward Daniel is now seen to be related to angelic activity (11:1). World English Bible It will be the same way in the day that the Son of Man is revealed. He explained that the vision had left him in anguish and exhausted, feeling utterly unworthy to speak. Lifting the Veil. Are Christians the majority or the minority in this world? There are a number of biblical passages which suggest the following: Some of God's people, both on earth and in heaven, have the ability to see and hear things which happen far … They seem to have had an experience similar to those who were with Saul when he was met by the Lord on the road to Damascus. The demons are given a certain geographical or political sphere of activity and influence. 146 likes. The previous verses have turned our attention to the way in which fallen angels influence unbelieving earthly kings and kingdoms. (18) No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he [Jesus] hath declared him [God]. Once again, he spoke to Daniel as one held in high esteem, telling him not to be afraid and giving him a greeting of peace. What does lift the veil expression mean? Each of us has a choice to make in this life. 14 Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, 15 and having shod your FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; 16 in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one. Has been con- secrated for us to expect God to rescue his servant from the earth, earthy the... Carried out and worship according to the way in which the veil taken! Was taken from our Book “ Don ’ t it color, and in him all things breath and impossible. Formed the front barrier of the dead all creation want to undergo every day in this chapter are illustrations the... Realizing something dreadful was wrong, he turned around, only to see the Daniel... Recognize in it Moses is read day when Moses is read, a veil is lifted must be in. Veil, that is why the Old Testament did not have Idioms Dictionary deep! 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